las sunday clbrt bday hazrul yg ke 2 thn,hazrul ni kire pangkat uncle umar sbb he is apai's cousin,tp kire bestla sbb nnt same skolah,pakcik & anak sedare heheh..mcm biase sumer gather kt umah ayahcik/cikta,food cater from fabulos maktam,and cikta pon tunjuk bakat buat lasagna yg sgt2 sedappp,mmg cikta ni xblh niage lasagna rugi wooo..and actually majlis ni jugak selain dr nk clbrt bday hazrul,zafirah (anak andak),kitorg sumer nk 'meraikan' ? hmm,mcm xkene je ayat tuh,'mengucapkan'? selamat utk acu & famili..sob sob..diorg nk pindah sabah,jd org sabah trus..hmm..wpon aku ni kire 'org luar' dr famili nih,tp aku sgt adore famili bond apai,,close,caring,always get together..bknlah nk kate famili aku x close,belah mak maybe close,tp belah ayah xclose la..smpi aku rase lagi best lepak dgn famili inlaws aku,blh? so,acu g sabah ni aku rase sedih , and a bit loss..hmm,klu aku yg outsider pon rase cenggitu apetahlagi famili lain kan..ilangla 1 kroni utk kitorg p cuti same2,mkn ramai2, the positif part is kitorg plak blh g cuti ke sabah,yehuu!!!..dahlah,yg penting kami sumer mendoakan yg terbaik utk acu & famili..
back to ajoy's bday party, ni antara mknn2 lazat yg ader

aik, ice cream ni terbalik plak

famili's entertainer~umar

tu jelah,bateri kamera pon dah kong time nih..
1 comment:
wah2 sedap makanan2 smua..yum2...anyway happy 2nd busday to hazrul
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