small gath of galfrens
get together ni dibuat sebenanye nk celebrate 2 of our galfrens yg nk hadapi new phase in life, sorg ayu~nak tawenn bln 4 nih, sorg lg esah~makyong nk beranak bln 4 insyaAllah..mule2 igt nk p karoke,tp xjadik, nk men boling full, so just lepak2 gossiping & chatting like our old time (i luv this part)..esah xdpt join sbb her nenek passed away,innalillah..xper, next time blh buat lagi..biaselah bile dah jumper dak2 ni alamnda tu mcm xde org lain dah,huha huha xsedor diri,sorg bwk anak,sorg bwk laki,..agaknye org tgk aku smlm mcm seorg ibu tunggal mude yg ilangkan stress hangout dgn kwn2 ~ ish!nauzubillah la kan..
apepon, mekaseh byk2 kt cura sbb sanggop jd asistnt aku ..bkn aper, seriously aku masih blm mampu handle kuar 2 org je dgn umar, and i think they knew y yesterday! hahahah
just few snaps from my camera, mkn2 kt nandos,minum2 ptg kt big apple

Seronok kan lepak2 aritu.. Next time, kiter execute plan lain plaks, k!
Btw, aku pon post psal small gath ni kat blog aku, pastu, bleh ada plaks org publish blog big apple alamanda kat comment aku.. hahahaha
ha? xphm aku..nape?die promote big apple ke?dah berpuloh2 donut big apple perut aku simpan,siap dah ilang lagi hahahha..ok terjah blog ko plak..
p/s: ishk,aku igt aku update album kt fb xdela org nk bace..kih3..
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